Business Intelligence

BI is the ability to get the right information to the right people, at the right time, via the right channel and produces large amount of information for developing new opportunities. When opportunities are identified, creating and implementing business strategies becomes easier, resulting in better resource planning, budget optimization and higher ROI.

Olilo BI Solution

Olilo assists organizations to transform data into information that can lead to meaningful action. Our expertise in cutting edge skills with significant industry knowledge helps to deliver the information required for implementing business decisions.

Olilo's BI Expertise

  • Reporting
  • Analysis
  • Dashboards
  • Scorecards
  • Data Warehouse (ETL)
  • Mobile BI
  • Collaborations
  • Real-Time Analysis
Cloud Computing

Olilo's Reports Services

Olilo's Microsoft BI reporting mechanisms provides the Report Builder, Report Designer, Report Manager and Report Server that work together through a Web interface to enable the development of concise interactive reporting solutions in print or web format.

  • Parameterized Reports
  • Linked Reports
  • Snapshot Reports
  • Cached Reports
  • Ad hoc Reports
  • Click - through Reports
  • Drill - down Reports
  • Drill - through reports
  • Subreports

IBM Cognos TM1

Olilo's IBM Cognos TM1 transform the entire planning cycle, from target setting and budgeting to reporting, scorecarding, analysis and forecasting. Available as an on-premise or on-cloud solution, and with extensive mobile capabilities, Olilo's expertise in Congas TM1 enables to collaborate on plans, budgets and forecasts.

  • Powerful planning and analysis
  • Integrated scorecards and strategy management
  • Flexible modeling
  • Engagement with more users
  • Cloud-based deployment option
Hybrid Cloud Computing Services


Olilo's SEQUEL services offers real-time business intelligence and decides the ways to access and analyze the data and distribute it exactly, whether it need a data access, analysis or business intelligence capabilities for enterprise users.

  • Set up dashboards quickly and easily to display data from the desktop
  • Create reports in terms of Tables, graphs
  • Enable to display dashboard data and drill-down for detailed information
  • E-Consolidate data from more than one file, including multiple-member files, into a single view
  • Identify Key Performance Indicators or business metrics within a view using highlighting or color
  • Handle data from local or remote System i servers, SQL Servers, MySQL, Oracle and other platforms
  • Provide multiple interfaces-"green screen", web browser, and graphical PC drag and drop design to make ad hoc requests easy

Why Olilo ?

  • An industry best team of BI experts.
  • Flexible engagement model
  • Maintain high confidentiality
  • 24 x 7 technical support and maintenance
  • 100% transparency throughout project
Hybrid Cloud Computing Services